f you think you are the only one to use personality and behavior interchangeably, you are definitely wrong. You will find a majority of people boosting about getting a job after attempting a behavioral assessment or DISC personality test. However, it is no surprise that most of these people do not know the exact difference between these two tests.
This article will explain the difference between personality assessments and a behavioral assessment and why DISC assessments focus on behavior instead of personality. However, before that, it is only fair to understand the meaning of a DISC profile assessment, personality and behavior.
DISC Assessments: The Meaning
Based on how you react in different settings, the DISC assessment reveals your favoured behaviors. It describes your preferred methods of doing things, connecting with others, and how others perceive you. A DISC assessment focuses on behaviors because one can control and adjust their actions to be more successful.
Dominance (D), Influence (I), Steadiness (S), and Conscientiousness (C) are the four basic behavioral styles that are detected through a DISC assessment. These tests make no value judgments about what is good or bad, better or worse. Each style has its own set of strengths and weaknesses, and each individual has a unique combination of styles that makes them feel more at ease and others that need more effort. Following are the behavioral traits commonly associated with each personality in a DISC profile assessment:
Dominance Assertive Result-oriented Demanding Decisive Independent Strong-willed Impatient |
Influence Outgoing Spontaneous Optimistic Persuasive Expressive Enthusiastic Talkative |
Steadiness Steady and stable Caring Supportive Pleasant Sincere Calm and patient |
Conscientiousness Analytical Detailed Systematic Cautious Private Logical |
Personality: What You Are
Unique distinctions in characteristic patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving are referred to as personality, which means that your uniqueness and differences from others are what you call your personality. Personality profiles, reasoning tests, and competence assessments are examples of standardised measures employed in psychometrics and personality assessments that are inextricably linked. Personality assessments may not accurately reflect a person’s natural style. These assessments strive to identify a candidate’s responses to questions about their feelings, ideas, and behaviors to assess their personality.
Behavior: What You Do
Your behaviors, in general, are what is visible to the outside world and observed in you by others. They define how you prefer to do things and how you feel most at ease. Furthermore, you can influence your natural actions to some extent. Natural actions take the least energy from you, are the least stressful, and allow you to behave more successfully over time.
Behavior Versus Personality
DISC assessment helps you understand your inherent behavioral styles so that you may better alter them to improve your interactions. Of course, it’s not always easy to modify, but you’ll have enough information to make the necessary changes once you’ve identified your natural preferences. The results from a DISC assessment helps you better understand your behavioral strengths, how you react under duress, how you prefer to communicate, and so on.
While DISC focuses on your inherent habits, it’s also important to understand what it doesn’t. It does not assess our attitudes, values, abilities, IQ, or other characteristics. As a result, it cannot be the sole criterion for making self-decisions. Instead, a combination of DISC assessments with other assessments can supply us with additional information to aid in personal development.
The Final Thoughts
How successfully you communicate with others determines your success in life, both professionally and personally. These interactions might be straightforward. However, they can also be aggravating, time-consuming, and yield less-than-desirable outcomes.
DISC assessments offered by Discover Assessments is the world’s only gamified DISC assessment. It generates a unique map of your natural style. They forecast how you prefer to do things and what will happen if you don’t change your approach. Their focus is on your habits rather than your personality because you can modify them over time. Your enhanced self-awareness, along with knowledge about the person you’re working with, allows you to create and maintain superior outcomes.
Contact us to employ our one-of-a-kind gamified profiling assessments into your hiring process.