Emotional intelligence has been the buzzword in almost any organization aiming to be creative. This is true in today’s business world when people operate in uncertain hybrid work environments. As a result, employers today recognize emotional intelligence as a necessary component for generating business success and keeping employees happy and motivated, whether they work from the office or home. 

It is critical to incorporate emotional intelligence into the organizational culture to reap its financial benefits. Emotional intelligence allows for more effective cooperation and innovation within your organization, which you might otherwise overlook. An emotionally aware employee plays a critical role in improving client experiences and promoting innovation through a strong empowerment culture. This is why most recruiters employ an emotional intelligence test, also called the EQ test, for hiring the most emotionally intellectual employees. 

Scroll down to know more about emotional intelligence, how it affects individual behavior and performance, and the benefits of employing the best emotional intelligence test in your hiring process.

What is Emotional Intelligence?

Controlling and recognizing one’s own emotions and understanding the emotions of others is referred to as emotional intelligence. It is not innate but rather an ever-evolving, growing, and changing process that occurs throughout your life. Emotional intelligence is frequently regarded as a prerequisite for success in various aspects of life.

In the early 1990s, psychologists Peter Salovey and John Mayer proposed the concept of emotional intelligence. They discovered that emotional intelligence could be measured using four key traits, namely the ability to:

  • Manage emotions
  • Understand emotions
  • Use emotions
  • Perceive motions

How Does Emotional Intelligence Affect Individual?

Individuals with strong emotional intelligence excel in a variety of areas, including:

1. Making Decisions

People who can separate emotions from thoughts can make decisions based on serious consideration rather than emotional reactions at the moment. Reduced impulsivity is advantageous when the decision has far-reaching ramifications for the future. Emotional intelligence enables you to take calculated risks while controlling the amount of influence your emotions have on the future.

2. Being Sympathetic to Others

Empathy is the ability to see someone else’s predicament through their eyes, connecting you with others and helping you care for or support them in need. Empathy grows in society and serves as a solid foundation for personal and professional relationships.

3. Aspiring to be Leaders

Those with high emotional intelligence become leaders who thrive on motivation, self-assessment, a realistic yet optimistic understanding of what is to come and vital decision-making abilities. These people are appreciated because they have a real and balanced demeanor. As a result, others quickly unite around their leadership. Those who wish to excel in the workplace must have a high level of emotional intelligence.

4. Promoting Mental Health

Limiting the harmful impact of your emotions and resisting attachment to your thoughts both contribute to good mental health. Numerous personality problems have also been related to low levels of emotional intelligence, demonstrating the existence of a link between your thoughts and emotions.

5. Encouraging Physical Health

You can regulate your stress levels when you have high emotional intelligence. Stress contributes to various health problems such as obesity, sleeplessness, heart disease, etc. When you allow your feelings and ideas to transcend beyond your perceived control, you experience significant stress levels. Emotional intelligence helps you understand and properly utilize your emotions, aiding in combating the impacts of stress.

How does Emotional Intelligence Test Assist?

An EQ test provides numerous advantages that ease the hiring process and improve the organization by improving the possibility that new employees will be successful in their professions. In addition, an emotional test can guarantee that the personnel selection process and intended business goals are in sync. The following are the major advantages that a firm may get from employing a successful emotional intelligence test:

  • Increased output
  • Increased staff retention
  • Reduced turnover costs 
  • Increased defensibility of the hiring process by using objective, proven metrics

Employ the best emotional intelligence test offered by Discover Assessments, a global leader in accurate and quick pre-employment assessments to uniquely engage and empower your workforce, create a conducive culture, and enable employees to think abstractly. Furthermore, we provide customized online assessment platforms and solutions to meet the various demands of an organization. 
Contact us today to use DISC-based, gamified, emotional test to hire the right individuals and create an emotionally intelligent, healthy, and harmonious culture.