Personality Assessment

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Personality Assessment

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Personality Profiling - Discover Gamified Behavioral Assessment

Ideal for:

Roles across the workforce spectrum to identify candidates who are likely to be more comfortable in a particular job and perform better


Work, pressure and candidates’ natural behavioral patterns, their preferred working styles, and twenty-four behavioral traits


Predicts candidates’ compatibility with jobs using their behavioral patterns Lead to improved retention, better productivity, higher engagement, and motivation levels

Key reasons for clients to choose Discover Gamified Behavioral Assessment

World’s Only Gamified DiSC Assessment:

Candidates enjoy the gamified DiSC interface while providing top-of-mind answers. This ensures a higher quality of responses and in turn, a higher quality of profiling.

Maximum profiles:

Discover Assessments has 26 different personality profiles, the most among DiSC based psychometric tools.

Multiple Languages:

Candidates can choose their preferred language from 30+ languages including English, French, Italian, Arabic, Spanish, Filipino, Hindi, Malayalam, Urdu, Tamil etc. Reports are available in English only.

One assessment with multiple report formats:

Get access to multiple report formats such as Behavioural Report, Sales Styles, Leadership Styles, Motivation Indicators, Ideal working environment, Job Analysis Report, Group job analysis, Team Cohesion & conflict analysis Report.

One assessment with multiple uses:

The applications across the HR spectrum include Recruitment, Learning & development, Internal job rotation, Leadership development, Coaching & mentoring, Training need analysis, Competency Assessment and more.

Customized Job Fitment:

Customized job fitment systems can be created using the organization’s job description.

Fastest assessment:

Since Discover uses DISC theory, the assessment takes only 10 minutes to complete and is very suited for talent recruitment. Reports are generated within seconds after assessment completion.

Sample Reports:

Behavioral Report
1. This is the primary report used for the most accurate behavioral assessment of an individual. Ideal for coaching, recruitment, talent development, leadership building etc.

Job Fit Report
1. This report gives the compatibility of a candidate against a single job. Ideal for recruitment, internal job rotation etc

We function in a business world that is hyper-dynamic and aggressively competitive. As a result, there is an increased demand for a workforce that excels at challenging jobs and owns a remarkable personality. Therefore, an individual’s personality traits, including their ideologies, morals, and principles, the temperament they have, and the motivation driving them, usually play a significant role in their job performance.

This is where personality assessment tests come into the picture

What is Personality Assessments?

Personality assessment is not a new term, especially for recruiters and applicants. Though it seems to be an advanced talent assessment tool, it has been around for a very long time. Wilhelm Wundt became the ‘Father of Psychology’ and distinguished between the human body and a human personality theory, in 1879. Later in the 1800s, the psychodynamic approach drastically changed how we viewed and understood personality in social situations. Thus, personality testing and evaluation are approaches for determining the attributes that people exhibit in various settings.

Types of Personality Assessments

Over the years, the concepts of these assessments and theories of human personality have skyrocketed, which gave rise to several different types of assessments. Some of the best and most popular ones employed by recruiters worldwide include:

  • Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

MBTI determines whether a person is extroverted or introverted, prefers to receive information by sensing or intuition, makes decisions through thinking or emotion, and prefers to do things through judging or perceiving.

  • 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16PF)

16PF is intended to evaluate normal behaviors and can be used for career advancement, employee selection, marital assistance, and counseling. The traits are warmth, rationality, emotional stability, dominance, liveliness, rule-consciousness, social boldness, sensitivity, vigilance, abstractedness, privateness, apprehension, openness to change, self-reliance, perfectionism, and tension.

  • Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and Conscientiousness (DISC)

The DISC personality test assesses dominance, influence, consistency, and conscientiousness. The questionnaire was predominantly designed for organizations to enable leadership and executive development, management training, sales training, dispute resolution, team building, customer service, communication, and job coaching. For all the questions in the DISC behavior assessment, the participant chooses a word that is most and least like them.

The Application of Personality Assessment

Personality assessment typically assists in determining how well an employee will perform in your organizational setting based on their interpersonal skills, motivation, and inspiration. It also empowers you and your recruiters to determine the job roles in which a specific candidate may excel. Usually, a company is structured into teams, and coworkers have a strong influence on each other. For instance, suppose the team leaders have insights about each member’s personality. In that case, they can mentor the entire team, motivate and encourage them to interact and respond efficiently and thereby get the most out of them. Conversely, candidates with negative personality traits, such as pessimism, can have detrimental effects on the entire team’s performance. Therefore, with behavior assessment tests HR executives can determine whether or not a candidate is a good fit for their organization and its work environment.

Discover Assessments offers the only gamified DISC-based assessment that is simple to use, administer, and can be conducted by anyone. With our gamified assessments, you can take your hiring process to newer heights. Being one of the best talent assessment platforms, we offer psychometric profiling solutions to revamp and revolutionize your workforce. To know more about how our functional behavioral assessments can help you conduct an assessment of personality, contact us today!

Personality and Behavioral Assessments - FAQs

Got questions? We've got answers. Explore our frequently asked questions to learn more about our Aptitude Test and how they can benefit your business.

Broadly speaking, there are globally validated personality assessments and proprietary personality assessments. The former include DISC, MBTI etc while the latter are self-created tools.

Behavioral assessments are used to identify the behavioral patterns of an individual and the most preferred behavioral style relative to a particular situation.

By far, DISC based personality assessments are the best due to its ipsative model and speed of completion (less than 15 minutes, usually)

Personality tests reveal the inner personality style of an individual which means how a person would behave under different circumstances.

The world’s most used personality assessment is the disc assessment. It is fast (less than 15 minutes, usually) and follows an ipsative model. This makes it most useful for recruitment teams.