Haldia Petrochemicals

Home Case Studies Haldia Petrochemicals

Haldia Petrochemicals, established as a symbol of West Bengal’s industrial resurgence, is one of the largest petrochemical companies in India. With a total capacity of 7,00,000 tonnes per annum of ethylene, the company aims to produce world-class hyphenated products with superior safety and environmental considerations.


Accidents were common in the company’s plant, particularly in the electrical sector. These mishaps resulted in severe injuries to some personnel and posed substantial risks. As a result, Haldia Petrochemicals needed a solution to cut down on the mistakes and figure out why they happened even to their best engineers.


Discover recommended the use of the behavioral evaluation tool along with the attention and error detection assessment. Through the analyses, they could then identify the engineers more likely to face accidents. Once such engineers are identified, the company could implement a series of interventions to limit the likelihood of accidents.


All the engineers working in the electrical department completed their Discover assessments. The data was then collated, and each employee was assigned a risk level of high, medium, or low. For extra safety and precautions, the company retained those recognizsed as high-risk engineers. They provided these engineers with additional safety protocols, like having an extra degree of supervision to prevent mishaps. In addition, they took steps to retrain staff in the medium-risk group on current safety standards.


Haldia Petrochemicals saw a decrease in on-site accidents after implementing Discover assessments. The measures undertaken were advantageous in terms of staff safety and well-being, as well as the company’s output figures.

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